2717: Starting Accountability
Starting an accountability relationship, is probably different than you would think. It was different than I thought about it for a long time.
If you had asked me a couple years ago about how these things start, I probably would have told you that you need to start by knowing what you want to be held accountable to, the of course, you select you person based on their experience with the item you need to work on. Then, well, I started.
I sit in the car beside the the Salon where I am getting my haircut. I stare at the yellow wall of the closed party store next door. I will need to get my haircut in a few minutes, but I am early and in the midst of a challenging phone call. We are talking about some great coaching and leadership and accountability. As he is apt to do, he starts challenging me. I don't mean that as a jerky thing, but he is seeing if I am willing to put legs on the things I am talking about. Will I move from talking about them to doing? This, if I narrowed it down, I would say is one of the most valuable parts of the friendship we have. If I proposed something can be done, he will ask me I will do it. Academic or practical? It is exhilarating and difficult.
I turn down the air conditioning, so I can hear him better. If I think I can help people, shouldn't I try? We started this conversation in the morning, but now this was coming to a head. This is the thought ringing in my head as he is talking. I could shut him down, end the call, turn it all to just ideas, but I don't. We have talked about our friends, but the choice has been obvious since this morning. Help Steve. He is in a hole and you can help him out. I was convinced that I couldn't not do this.
Suddenly, I am not in the car, at least not in my mind. I am listening to James with one ear, already driving to a conclusion and then listening to this other voice in my other ear. Do you know how crazy this is? Who do you think you are? If he wanted your help, he would ask. If he does want your help, he's goi g to be an emotional vampire. The reasons not to do this started to wash over me, as they had through the day, as I thought about this.
I'd like to say I had some streak of nobility or confidence in that moment, which allowed me to quell the waves of doubt, but I didn't. What happened was I reasoned, that in trying to help, I couldn't make it any worse. Can you think of a worse, maybe even misguided motivation? It was what it was though, and I started that night with Steve.
I though about how strange this whole thing was then, about starting accountability with the desire to help, about calling someone and saying, I would like to help you. This is wrong though, it is not, should not be, strange at all. Starting accountability doesn't start with you admitting you need help, it starts with acknowledging everyone needs help and then looking for those around you. Asking who can you help? Then, when the wave of doubt rise up, the ones that fear rejection, challenge who you are, begin to plant the seed that you aren't good enough, it is pushing those thoughts down with the recognition you don't have to be an expert, or superman, you just have to be willing to offer a hand, check in and love your fellow man.