Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One Godly Act

If you are going to have any kind of enduring accountability with someone, it needs to evolve overtime. This is one of the truths I explore in the book I'm writing. It is a cycle. You start with coaching, have the important discussion on what need to be done. From that conversation comes goals, those things yo will hold someone accoutable to. If you are doing it right, accountability will lead to rewarding successes. These successes cause two things to happen. First you develop a deeper relationship, which become an opening to talk about deeper things. Second, you establish that you can help them be successful, which leads to a desire to be successful at other things.

As you might imagine there are a ton more details that can be discussed about the steps above. I just wanted to set the stage for the blog today.

My day is packed, I have meetings on top of meeting from 8:30 until I leave. This means my Phone calls become very short, or become texts. This is great for accountability, but I haven't figured out a better way to work it. My 8:30 meeting runs until 10:00 and opens up into my longest break of the day. A little less than an hour. I'm not more than five minutes in when I get a text from Matt. He sending me his biblical truth, early, like it has been everyday this week.

I'm really happy to get this text. I am closer to him than I ever heave been before and it is largely built od accountability and spiritual development. Additionally, he has been so successful, it it time to evolve into something deeper. The success is his, but I can't help but enjoy it. I text him seeing when he has time to talk.

My day is packed, so outside of God's hand we will not likely be talking today. Over the last two days, he's been considering how to take his biblical truths and develop them into an action. If we can't talk, this is a way to say I think it is time. He has the next twenty minutes. Sometimes God is so clear.

I find an unclaimed conference room and call him back. The call is good. We talk about the challenges between action and heart and about how this development is difficult to measure. We talk about some of the truths he has written up from his bible reading, many of which are quite good. I read them and think how he is advising me and doesn't even know it. I don't tell him all that, I want him to do this for him.

What to do next?

We talk about it for only a little while, we don't have much time today. Not nearly long enough to coach, but it's all the time I have. We try ideas, see how they sound, see what will work, see what ipgets a little closer to the core of Matt, or at least what he wants to be. We settle on finding a way to do one Godly act every day. This isn't lifting cars or saving babies, but showing love joy and peace in situations where it is hard. Being Godly, not when you have a special circumstance, but n the everyday. Converting those normal moments.

When I hang up the phone, it occurs to me, While these moment might have been for Matt, it was for me too. So many times in my day I'm all logic, all work, all process. It is easy for me to forget compassion and joy. It is so easy for this mindset to overtake you. I can even do my Bible reading in this way. I don't like that. I don't know how quickly I can change my constant attitude, but if I do nothing, I won't I prove at all. So, just as Matt has committed to, I too will commit at least one Godly act everyday.


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