Two shall become one
Last night, after a busy day, I retired to the chaise portion if our way too comfortable, sectional sofa. Shelly lay beside me, with her head toward me and her body stretched out toward the opposite corner. We had recorded several Big Bang Theory's, a show we enjoy and recommend, and decided we would watch a few of them before we went to bed. You should know, in the event you take our recommendation, the humor of this show is largely nerdy, full of Star Trek, Magic: the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons and World of Warcraft references. It has a nerds poking fun at nerds feel, which I relate to. Anyway, one of these references, I think it was on Star Trek came up with Penny, the non-Nerd foil, and Shelly looks at me and says, I like that, does that make me a nerd girl? The answer, of course, is Yes. It is just one of the things that make us perfect for each other.
Monday was a little bit of a rough day, in a small, but vexing way. I had a protracted call with one of my accountability partners and long time friend, which really challenged both my skills as an accountability partner and my value as a friend. When I walked through the door from work, Shelly was making dinner, Spaghetti carbonara, a dish she picked up from the Chew. We talked as the house filled with the smell of frying bacon. Apparently I have a tell, because when she turned to look at me, she asked me what was wrong. I told her. In fact, we talked about that and accountability for an hour or so before dinner. She helped me unravel my mind. The talk was deep and invigorating and productive. When it was done Shelly said we didn't talk like that often enough. She is right, it is just another thing that makes us perfect for each other.
At nine this morning I got the first text from my wife for the day. Most days we pass at least half a dozen texts between us. Keeping in touch while I am at work. It said Study and Reading done. This meant that she had completed her Bible study and bible reading. These are two different things. The study is from a work book and deals with a set of verses or chapter, which the reading is a program to read through the Bible in a year. Not five minutes before hand I had just finished mine, which is slightly differs, but also will get me through the Bible in a year. Do you know how awesome it is to have a wife that encourages me to stay in the Word of God and wants me to encourage her to do the same? I don't know exactly how common this is, it is probably private where is does happen, but I suspect it is pretty rare. Again, this is just another way we are perfect for each other.
We are surrounded by couples who don't talk, seem to work to hurt each other, who bad mouth there spouses, who embarrass them in public, who hurt them in ways they wouldn't hurt a stranger and we are mystified. As you know, we are not perfect people, we didn't do anything brilliant or thoughtful or even particularly Godly to make this happen. God, though, was looking out for us. He placed us together because he loved us. We are perfect for each other in all the ways I listed above not by accident, but by divine design.
It is this I thank God for today.
That, my wonderful and amazing husband, was beautiful!
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