Friday, April 13, 2012


1. Things to do before driving to Blue Cross
2. Directions to get to my office
3. Evernote page of things I have done
4. Things I need to do today, sorted by time
5. Accountability calls people are counting on me to make
6. The chapters of the Bible I need to read today, if I am going to finish in a year
7. Reports I run that tell my staff how they are doing
8. Reports I run so my boss can share our accomplishments with her boss
9. The prayer requests I share with Steve and the requests he shares with my
10. The items I need to transfer from notebooks to Evernote
11. The subjects I need to write about for my gaming wiki
12. The items I have not yet written about on this blog
13. The podcasts awaiting to be listened to
14. The colorful images of my Netflix, the Office, Documentaries, kids shows my kuds have Netflix I like
15. Exercise log. Ugh.
16. Food Items used to prepare my meal, the recipe which used to be a shopping list
17. Books I want to read
18. Email to be filed or responded to
19. Freecycle telling me of the things I can get for free and things my neighbors want
20. The contacts on my phone I surf through finding the people I really should put on speed dial
21. The stations on Pandora
22. The projects I'm entertaining in language, theology and music
23. The family budget
24. The performance calendar for the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps.
25. The things I want, but will likely never buy because I resist buying a 99 cent app, while I eat a 5 dollar ice cream.
26. The things I need to buy for Praise Baptist Church
27. The plugins I need to review for the Minecraft Server I run for my friends
28. The family chores, broken onto index cards,which the kids pretend doesn't exist
29. The ancestors I still need to research, to attach their vital documentation
30. The things I would like to do before I die.


At April 13, 2012 at 2:30 PM , Blogger KWCooley said...

Ha! Those sound like my lists I keep in Evernote. I love lists.


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