Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Strange packing

I have what may be the nerdiest collection of friends imaginable. They can argue about the merits of which gun is best in the event of Z-day. They can explain the history of the Star Wars Universe, and therefore both hate and love George Lucas. They will play nearly any game which is available to them and pick the best to share with the rest of us. The will role-play a Half Giant Barbarian or meticulously try to beat what might be an unbeatable game of Pandemic on Legendary. They will get excited about doing research on a silly topic and debate about some philosophical nuance. In short, they are awesome.

The problem is most of these people don't live near me, nor do they live near each other. They are from Texas and Florida, New Mexico and, of corse, Michigan, Virginia and Illinois. So, most of the time when we set down it is through our computers using Ventrilo or Google Hangout, where it is as good as we can get, but it is not the same as sitting around the same table.

This weekend is the second time all that is changing. Last time James and I invited everyone from around the country to our part of the country to play some games together. This time, starting Thursday, Matt has invited us to Dallas.

Unlike last time, this leaves me in the strange position of asking what should I bring.

On my computer desk right now is one obvious thing I need to bring, that is the Orks which have now all been assembled. They are sitting right now in battle groupings, Boyz and their warboss in the Trukk which will carry them. A couple groups of Boyz led by nobz. And a few Deffcopptas, ready to harass my opponents. They make up an army three points below the point limit. While they are ready to fight, they are not yet ready to be transported. Plastic container? Cardboard? Baggies? How to bring them and keep them undamaged and not make them too big to be carried on is the question. I don't like the thought of them being tossed into the underbelly of an aircraft, having a ton of stuff stacked on them and then getting caught in the cargo door.

What to bring in addition to these, though? I recently bought Pirate Fluxx, which I think we could enjoy, so probably that. I have a bunch of Magic the Gathering cards, do I bring those? Ticket to Ride? Pandemic? I know there will be a copy there, but what if more than four people want to play? That doesn't even consider my role-playing books, other miniatures or painting supplies. It feels like Christmas where I have to wrap my own gifts.

Last night my wife asked me if I was planning to wear shorts while I was there. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about. I have thought a lot about packing, but virtually none of it has been about what I would wear.


At April 16, 2013 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Shelly said...

Leave it to the wife to be practical..... :)


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