Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Flight of the Valkyries

I pull a Stewarts Lime Sode from the cooler in front of the counter. It is almost as good as the orange, but not quite. I'll drop my buck in the drawer after I've picked up a few tips. This is going to be a good night.

The phones have started ringing, Jen and Wayne are both taking orders, delivery orders. In the back I can see Shelly using a large white machine to roll out the dough, Dr. Bob is beside her placing the squares of cheese and fresh sausage on the pizzas. Eventually, one of them will slide to the end of the oven to start bagging pizzas as they come out. There is a hum and a laughter and a comraderie here.

Wayne and I are the only drivers on right now, which is good for me. He's a good driver, but he doesn't know the addresses like I do. We take turns taking deliveries, but I stack the runs. What this mean, for someone who has never done this, I'm putting deliveries together. This is a single, only one delivery vs. this is a double or triple, how many can you string together. Often these form themselves, you don't put runs way to north with runs way to the south, but there is just enough wiggle room you can get a financial edge, if you know what you are doing. It also helps if you can tell by the address the big tippers from those that want exact change back. Wayne was my friend, but he was also my competition.

The deliveries come in, they are everywhere. In the next hour we'll be running from the lakes of Portage to the neighborhoods around the Mental Hospital in Kalamazoo. I love to see the tower there, an old brick tower you can see from all over the city, but the tips are bad. I'm up next, it is going to be a double. I don't just check my addresses, I check Wayne's too, he'll be getting a double as well. He'll get the tower, but I'll get the tips. What matters though is the fifth run, it is not just a good neighborhood, but I know this address. Never less that five dollars and usually more.

Now I have a problem, I'm out first, but my run is going to be a little longer. Wayne might get back first. Additionally, Jim might get here a little early, snagging the good run. He didn't even fully appreciate the value of a good run. The phone is ringing and I need to think.

I go do dishes while I wait. I plan the route, I consider traffic and adjust. I know the neighborhoods with good pass throughs, I can use that to my advantage. It might not be enough. I tell Shelly, who will be plotting the runs when I walk out, that is the run I want. It might work, it might not.

I'm up.

The pizzas are in the hot box and I'm to my truck as quick a possible. I sit the box in the passenger seat, the door facing me so I don't have to struggle at the address. I plug the the light that says LaCantina inot my lighter and start her up. The Counting Crows blare out of my speakers. I like them, but not the inspiration I need. CD 3, Wagner. I have this CD in here for just such a trip. I crank the sound up and my personally changes. I am an invasion force, the wind, a victor. I am certain that I can not be defeated.

I love this job.

I don't know know if it is Shelly or Wagner, but I don't see either Jim or Wayne when I return and the big tip delivery is waiting for me. I drop off the money I just got, an extra dollar for the soda, grab the single and go.


At November 8, 2011 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Shelly said...

I loved this job! We had so much fun and the food was so good! Good memories!


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