Walk in the newness of life
I was talking to my friend on the phone, trying to give the best advice I could, but I was at a loss. It was clear he didn't like where he was at, but the plan ended with what he could do today. I asked a question, in a style I had picked up in my coaching class, what does success look like. His answer suited him, but it was so broad. I was reminded of a woman who leaves an abusive relationship only to fall into another because they don't know how to make a healthy relationship.
Knowing you need a change is only half of what you need to know.
The call ended with me giving some advice, but I didn't know what I know now. It was mediocre.
This morning, while the rain still pounded the windows hard enough the dog didn't even pretend to want to go out, I studied the lesson for my Sunday school class. We are starting Romans 6. Paul makes it clear in this section his is continuing the idea of grace, he starts by battling those who would use grace to excuse sin and he then turns to baptism. Not the command to be baptized with water, but the spiritual baptism which that water represents. The relationship we have with Jesus Christ.
There, in the light of my small silver lamp, was a piece, maybe the most important piece, of the answer. Not just for my friend, but for many of my friends, for all who follow Jesus Christ.
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4
Did you catch that? We spend so much time dwelling on the payment for our sins, for the grace God extends for us, for the faith we are lacking, that we miss the fact that this is just steps to something more powerful. The words jumped out at me, we too might walk in the newness of life. Sin is there to show us we need something else, but does show us what success looks like. Success is not, not sinning. Success is the abundance of God, the newness of life.
If we work to avoid the sins we see, we will dodge them and land right in other sins. You can't very easily find out where you are supposed to be just by knowing you not there yet. It's like a GPS which only says,you are in the wrong spot, keep moving. You might travel a long way, but you are not likely to make it to Disney World.
A healthy relationship with God is not focused on the sins and weaknesses and mistakes. God has provided for our failings. Instead it is focused on fully, with arms wide open embracing the blessed life God has for you. Following the Holy Spirit. It is letting that new walk prevent you from giving in to the old self. Imagine what you can because God is with you,, as opposed to what you can't because God is in you.
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