Let's play a game
Can you name the TV shows?
1. פסגות תאומות
2. EAF, TNN, COH, TLO, WNOHGB, LAU, J, TB, HAQ, H, TBG, D, AO, 1....
3. Literally, jumped the shark.
4. Gobo seeks wisdom from Marjorie and letters from Matt
5. 9780671788285
Can you name the TV shows?
With the tragedy which has happened in Sandy Hook, the topic of guns has started to make its way on my Facebook feed. I get this, because I have been thinking about guns in our society as well. The problem is, these are emotional responses because we want to do something, want to change something so this won't happen again, want to feel like we have made our children safer.
As most of you know, I work hard to fill me day, minimize my items which slip through the cracks, keep from distractions, build the perfect routine. I keep a log, a todo list, get help applying pressure with accountability. I am happy to be this way, but when you push and push and push the same things, the enjoyment of doing them is reduced.
Because, the last two posts have been on this conflict I have had with James and because he identified himself, but did not really explain, or defend himself, and because hurtful things have been written about him, after he was identified, based on my point of view, I have to write this post. To not finish explaining would be dishonest. Because, I think it is important to see my warts and I desire to be free from the fear created when my flaws are exposed, I want to write this post.
When I started this blog I started with a fairly high level of anxiety. I was really worried about looking stupid, because I really am a horrible speller and part of me equates that with not being very bright. It was a way for me to address that fear, and at the same time learn to be ok with showing this weakness. A way to strip away that part of me that wants to look like I have it all together. It is ironic that this blog stemmed from an previous accountability relationship with the same person who offended me yesterday.
Right now, I am offended.
The trees don't have leaves on them anymore. Their bark has been blackened by the rain and the branches reach up into the grey sky. Dark skeletons with arms lifted up. The grass at their feet is losing its green vibrancy it just had, the near winter rain and hidden sun are draining it. I can see puddles, black mirrors, on the lot beyond. I imagine they wash out the features of those who look down into them. It is perfect, for today.
1. Marlin could still feel the odd current made by his son's crippled fin and for the first time he resisted the urge to chase him.
I drive my wife crazy. She has moments when she just wants to complain about something and I, being how I am, usually explain why it is that way or at best remain neutral. She really just wants me to get a little bent out of shape for her and I don't. Truth be told, I like to act above all of that stuff, someone who can let the problems of life roll of them. I my mind, I think it is better, but in practice is comes across as a little unemotional robot-like.
I remember as a kid seeing my Aunt Cy writing on a small notepad. It was strange to me, at the time, because it has a line done the middle, rather than on the left and, had a spiral at the top and was maybe 3/4 of a regular notepad. She sat at her dining room table, working on it, making entries in pen and highlighting other entries. As I got closer, I could see they were chores and stuff to get. Wash dishes. Bathe Dog. Get Batteries. I asked her what kind of notebook that was and what was she doing. She explained it was a Steno notepad, which she liked because of the line down the middle. It let her write all the things she wanted to get done on the left and then as stuff got added, she could add it to the right. In either case, she highlighted it when it was done. She like highlighting all the stuff she had gotten done, because it made her feel good, I remember thinking it was kind of neat, but not something I needed. I was a kid, and not a very organized one.
Many of you sent the month of November writing things each day you are thankful for, which is a powerful and good practice. If done right, it should keep you focused on the good things God has given you and not on the hassles of life. I didn't take the time across those days to do that, but I thought, this would be a good time and good place to declare that I am blessed. God has looked after me in so many ways.
This word exists once and only once in the Bible. I am not sure if it is because no other circumstance warranted it, or if in the height of trying to completely convey his meaning, Paul created it. In ether case, the meaning today we also don't have a single word for. No translation that I have looked at even attempts to use just one English word to replace it. It is too big for that.