Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Busy Days

It might seem like a contradiction, but I have been happy and busy over the last couple days.

I have spaced out my one on ones with my staff to go across two days, rather than one, which has created this situation, but it provides me just enough breathing room to do something other than meet. So, I can make good use of the things they are telling me. Today I was able to pull quick stats the Karens were asking for. I was able to spend a little while seeing how Brenda was making use of Microsoft Project. I have been able to keep walking with Reuben.

Additionally, I've been able to participate in other meetings, like an improvement project which is kicking off in Credentialing. I love tweaking processes and fixing issues and making good things better. It is part of my job, I really enjoy. Yesterday, I was able to begin developing a process to cover a gap we didn't even know existed. I pulled in several people from three different areas and everyone walked away happy. Good stuff.

My e-mail has suffered a little bit, but nothing critical has been missed.

It feels like that moment when you are running, running fast, but you realize you can do. So, rather than dwell on the pace, for just a moment you enjoy the wind on your face.


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