Each day this week I am focusing in on one thing and making it my focused prayer throughout the day. Today, my focus is being thankful for church, for my church. It has me thinking on all things church, the rights and wrongs, believers who don't go to church, how much is missed if you don't go and how blessed I have been by my church. Think about it, what is your relationship with church?
First, let me explain what I think the Bible shows us about church. It is constructed by God, for man. Starting the Old Testament, God was very specific about he was to be worshiped and it included assembling together. In the New Testament, we have at least three books which are largely about church leadership and administration. Hebrews 10:24 and 25 says, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." That meet together is to assemble, to be in church. There are more, but I think you get the point. God made church for us, it is so we can support and encourage each other, bringing out the best in each other and you are supposed to go. It is not optional, if we are to please God, we can't reject church.
So, why then don't people go? Some have had a bad experience, which shade their view of church and church people. Some are lazy, they don't want to get out of the house, or maybe even out of bed when church is going on. Some are selfish, they don't want to give up the time or change their routine to make it a part. Some don't go because they have never gone. All of these are easy to argue excuses, and none counter the command from God, but it doesn't make sense to fight over it.
People don't go to church because they are energetic or selfless, they go because church makes a difference.
I am thankful to my church, Praise Baptist Church, because it is loving body of believers. You would have to work hard to come to our church and not feel welcomed. It starts outside the door, and continues until you leave. We want you to feel the love we have for each other when you are there. Additionally, more importantly, we love God. We recognize the changes God has made in our lives, the command he puts on us, the blessing he has given us. We truly, completely worship God. We are family, when the service is done, often times, people are hanging around and talking, breaking off to share meals with each other, planning to see each other through the week. We are bonded together, help each other and provoking the best in each other. We change each other for the better. For this, and so much more, I am thankful.
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